ჩვენ შესახებ

Tengiz Jokhadze

აკადემიაში უძღვება ტრენინგებს:

  • Start and run a business; prepare investment proposals
  • Training in preparing investment proposals for trainers
  • Creating a business model; project management


Tengiz Jokhadze has been a business trainer since 2008.

სამუშაო გამოცდილება:

Since 2018, Tengiz is the trainer of the Academy of the Ministry of Finance. He has conducted trainings for a wide audience in projects funded by PIN, USAID, UNDP, ENPARD, GIZ, World Vison, the US Embassy and other international organizations. Our trainer also has experience in economic planning of municipalities and specific areas. He is currently working as a Project Manager at Georgian Railway.